1. Installation of custody transfer heat metering systems for heating water, steam and raw water (using specialized flow computers MASStrol, DPFC and SUPPERtrol with orifice, vortex, ultrasonic and electromagnetic flow meters), edition of legal metrology certificates, commissioning and start-up thereof. Installations of recent years in the aforementioned field are the following:
1.1. Custody transfer heat metering systems for large cross-section pipes (DN400, DN600, DN700, DN1000) using orifice flow meters at Kaunas Cogeneration Plant (in total, 12 sets; AB “Axis Industries” acting as the General Project Manager).
1.2. Heat metering system for biofuel boiler BKZ-75/39 and for the whole cogeneration unit consisting of 4 steam heat, 3 feed water heat and 3 condensate orifice flow meters at UAB “Vilniaus energija (AB “Axis Industries” acting as the General Project Manager).
1.3. Heat metering systems for heating water and steam for boiler-houses at UAB “Klaipėdos energija” (totally, 4 orifice flow meters).
1.4. Heat metering systems for district heating water, refilling water for the network, raw water and steam for a cogeneration unit (totally, 5 orifice flow meters; UAB “Elinta” acting as the General Project Manager) at UAB “Panevėžio energija”.
1.5. Heat metering system for district heating water, refilling water for the network, raw water and steam for a cogeneration unit (totally, 11 orifice flow meters) at “Druskininkų šiluma”, subsidiary of “Litesko”.
1.6. Custody transfer heat metering systems for heating water and steam for heat networks and boiler-houses at individual companies in Klaipėda, Utena, Lazdijai, Varėna, Telšiai, Marijampolė, Alytus, Šilutė, Grigiškės (installed either directly or as a subcontract with such general project managers as UAB “Energijos taupymo centras“, UAB “Manfula“, UAB “Enerstena“.
2. Design and manufacture of orifice flow meters for flare gas at AB “Mažeikių nafta” (4 orifice flow meter sections for pipe schedule in compliance with ANSI 16”, ANSI 14” and ANSI 12”).
3. Installation of natural gas metering systems with orifice, rotary and turbine gas meters and PTZ correctors (battery or mains-powered) at various companies of Lithuania.
4. Installation of biogas metering systems and of special biogas filters/separators at Kaunas Waste Water Treatment Plant, at biogas utilization cogeneration plants in Lapės Landfill and Kairiai Landfill.
Address: | UAB KURENTA Breslaujos g. 3 (AK-538), LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania |
Telephone: | +370 37 328401 |
Fax: | +370 37 328402 |
E-mail: | kurenta@kurenta.lt |